Wednesday 20 July 2011

National Library of Australia podcasts this is the link to get all the podcasts directed to your google reader or bloglines. I think it is handy to keep an eye open for new information. Actually when the news finishes I think I will download this one it is about the Australian women gaining the right to vote and heading to Britain to help the women over there (sounds interesting to me).


  1. Oh I read a reference book on one of these Australian women...Jessie Street. Amazing woman with her fingers in many many many 'life changing pies'. Shit mother and wife I must say.

  2. its interesting what you can find out there. It is easy to see how this could be used as an education tool for people who can't get to the class room or the library

  3. Your link about Australian woman gaining the right to vote will not load for me. I am using a computer at polytechnic. I will try again another day.

  4. It takes ages to download cos its reasonably long, but I am checking the link.
